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MarkdownPad Released

  • Improved: The MarkdownPad installer is now digitally signed. You should now see “Evan Wondrasek” as the publisher, rather than “Unknown Publisher”.
  • Added: Ability to enable or disable clickable hyperlinks in the text editor under Tools --> Options --> Enable clickable hyperlinks in editor. Several users reported that it was difficult to see the blue hyperlinks when using dark backgrounds, so disabling this option will make them look just like regular text. This feature will soon be improved to allow for customizing of the URL color. (Tip: to open hyperlinks from the text editor, Ctrl+Click them if clickable hyperlinks is enabled.)
  • Improved: Better log file created in the event that an unexpected error occurs.
  • Fixed: Bug that could occur if default application wasn’t set when using the Preview Markdown in External Browser feature, or any other command that launched an external application.
  • Fixed: Bug that could occur when trying to open a file that was locked by another application. This could happen if you had a file open in Microsoft Word (which locks files while open) and tried opening the same file in MarkdownPad.

Note: A few users have reported that their settings were reset to defaults after updating MarkdownPad. This is not by design, but could be caused by a bug in the ClickOnce deployment system. If you are using customized CSS, I recommend making a quick backup just in case.

If you have any problems with MarkdownPad, please let me know in the Support section!

Published on 22 June 2012